19 February 2011

Thunderhawk Rules

Here are the rules from Imperial armor 2, which i think are the latest one.

Also this thread might be interesting if your considering buying it adam: http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=293896



  1. Cheers al. Do any of you no the rules for hellstrike missiles or the pylon bombs

  2. Hellstrike missiles are: 72", str8, ap3, ordance,oneshot

    those bomb pylons are just 6x3 bombs each, the rules for them are:

    "Bombs have the same effects as mortars (G48", str4, ap6, heavy 1, blast, pinning). If a flyer releases several bombs at the same time, count each as a seperate mortar in a "Battery". Each bomb carried maybe used once per battle, bombs cost 5pts each."

    the new edition 5 mortar rules are: 48", str4 ap6, heavy1, blast, barrage

    Hellstrike missiles are in imperial armor apocalypse, bombs and Thunderhawk gunship are in imperial armor vol 2, and the mortar stuff is in the imperial guard codex.
