3 February 2011

D and D

Section for Friar Lovefist and his companions


  1. High guys i heard you had a really good D n D night the other day shame i couldnt b there. JUst a question tho is it possible for sum people to pop in ocasionally as NPC's

  2. Hey all, Just checkin we're still all on for weds,as in 2 days time?

  3. I'm sure there will be plenty of scope for NPCs in future games, I'm also open to ppl running Side treks/1 off adventures so that I can be a PC. Also theres been enough interest that i think I could probly run another 2 groups if I had time!! So if any 1 wants to become a DM I've got all the stuff and happy to help!

  4. Ill be there on wednesday mate, wouldnt miss it for the world! Ive even got my own dice, which ive largely stolen and i hope you appreciate is very much in character :)

  5. Hope everyone is on board for this wednesday. Pete, forget about your crossbow :)
