4 February 2011

1st Draft Campaign Rules

Heya Peeps.
I've got a fairly good grasp on the set-up for the campaign but there's still some bits I don't know quite what to do with yet. I'll throw them out here so you can all chew on them then spit them back at me. First up.

To start the campaign we will each have a Master Roster (big-ass army list apoc-style) of 20,000 pts (currently, can change if we want) and this will be all the troops you get for use in your battles. We're gonna play on the Mighty Empires hex tiles using the flags to denote territory owned, with all battles being objective-based but I'm not sure yet how to use our armies. Our current options are:
  • To declare an attack on someone adjacent to you, decide what type of battle you're doing amongst yourselves (suitably story-driven) and figure out who takes/holds the tile by who wins.
  • Or we put specific armies on the map itself (like the Total War games). You could put a 1500/2000 pt army in a tile and then someone attacks it with one of their 1500/2000 pt armies.
The first option would be simpler to do but the second option opens up so many more things for us to do. We could have Army Markers to represent our main fighting groups but also have Scout Markers for the chance to view each others army lists, Artillery Markers as aids during battles further away, Kill-Team Markers for sabotaging or assassinating. It would also allow for Armies of different speeds, all vehicle and mounted infantry armies could move two tiles, flyers could move three tiles.
However all these fun options would make playing more complicated and there would be Armies of different sizes engaging all over the place (1000 vs 1500 or even 500 vs 2000) which could just make it all unbalanced. So in the plan of fun but simple what do you all think we should do?


  1. I like the more complex version it gives a broader scope for games and makes it more important as to wats were(you can't fight a battle with a titan on 1 side o ur realm then fight another battle with the same titan the other side o ur realm) making you have to be more strategic. It also makes scouts and intel much more important!! which means you have to buy scouts in your initial list!

  2. I agree with jerico but i sure it could be simplified or not hey what do i know im just a gammer

  3. I think we all want the second option, but the problem is we dont know how to properly implement it yet.

  4. the second option would be more fun if done well the problem i see is if one person has a titan modle can gust walk it acrrose the bord as well the people with more modles have a biger chosse in army if we do the second one realy need to work out good set of rules

  5. one more thing think good idear would be to have some plaint strike and kill team in there evan thought as nid sinaps ruens kikll team

  6. I'm writing up some kill-team missions as we speak plus some race specific missions. Also planetstrike and cities of death will be involved though probably not apoc.
    Who's got a titan anyway????!!!!

  7. Er I've been planning to scratch build a Titan from cardboard? Doubt it'll be ready to play in campaign tho. Wat if the planet was controlled by 1 army such as Guard/Orks and all the rest have to play Battlefleet gothic to get to planet then Planet Strike to get a foothold on the planet?? The best way to do implement idea2 is that we all have a set of different coloured and numbered flags that correlate to the numbers on a roster sheet that you update as your forces move? I've got my roster sheet from my last campaign, remind me to show you on Weds.

  8. Also thinkin bout re-inforcements! Could have a rule were if you have a tile with say a space port you get maybe an xtra 200pts to spend? So if you have multiple space ports you get multiple reinforcement but also think that their should be less space ports than players! Then we'd really have to fight for them!!

  9. A quick question the new rules for the Blood Angel aircraft in white dwarf is said that GW will allow other chapters to use those rules with other players permission can i use it

  10. Personally, i would say generally its not possible to take units out of other codex's, because it becomes difficult to draw the line on whats acceptable and not. I think certain things can be acceptable, but they need a really good reason, such as army background.

    Even though GW will probably make the Stormraven for all chapters to boost sales, for the moment its BA-exclusive with blood angel specific rules like "Skies of blood", which makes it a bit of a cheeky steal considering Space wolves have so much awesome stuff already.

    However I wouldn't have a problem with space wolves using the forge world rules for the Caestus assault vehicle though: http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads/Product/PDF/c/caestus.pdf You could use the stormraven model with these rules and still achieve the same effect probably.

    If you positively, absolutely must use the Stormraven rules i'd suggest ditching the Skies of blood rule, or putting the cost up a bit, it shouldn't be a no-brainer choice for space wolves i think.

  11. Or you could just play blood angels, which might turn out good since we have 2 Space wolves at the moment.

  12. I think i will just use my Space Wolves as Blood Wolves, The reason for this is i prefer the idea behind the Stormraven. As the assult ram is primearly a boarding vessel not an invasion vessel

  13. I have been reading the rules for the Storm Raven and the Skies of blood is for the storm raven. The only rule that realtes i belive to the blood angels is Descent of angles rule. Would people have a problem if i used the Stormraven for SW if i remvoe the descent of angles rule

  14. ON another note Ben will not be able to play in the campaign

  15. i think that would be ok if you got rid of that rule, I'll text Andy that Ben won't be able to do the camp since he doesn't have internet at home at the moment.

  16. That's pantsu that is. Ben will be sorely missed. Gonna have to change the map too.
    Though now my internet's back I'm gonna email you all a copy of the rules (WIP). I'll start a new topic for discussion since this one is getting overloaded!
