4 February 2011

Ever seen the inside of a turkish prison?

Lets get the ball rolling.

First up are my dwarf hammerer conversions, i've been turning the mantic shieldbreakers into a unit that fits into the GW dwarf range more, by adding some beards and helmet decorations:

Champion and Musician, massive wings on the champions head taken from the ravenwing space marine battalion box.

Winged helmet for some of the rank and file, taken again from the Ravenwing box:

Most recently been painting up more eldar jetbikes, got 5 done minus the riders so far, still working out how to best paint them.

WIP raider hull, just added final skull white highlights on the edges, currently deciding on the picture for the sail.

Some whitescars, only got around 400 points of these and put them on hold for dark eldar, will probably come back to them at some point, Painted them using a Marker pen to shade the armor rather than bringing it up from a black base.

White scars rhino with Weathering using a Tamiya kit.

Andy's stuff

Awesome Salamanders rhino with Forge world doors, really nice subtle highlighting.

Some shots of part of a tactical sqaud he's been working on since the mid 90's, very nice.

Taster pic for his campaign force:




  1. realy like the beareds on the dwarfs and new helmits also nice to see some paited salamnders

  2. That is pretty sexy stuff! Al how do we post pictures?

  3. Don't think you can in comments,you might be able to use an image hosting website then link it over, but its probably easier to start a new topic.

    if you go to post another Topic, theres a little picture frame that you can press then upload pictures, then you select which ones you want to put in etc and then they should come up in your post.
