19 February 2011

Thunderhawk Rules

Here are the rules from Imperial armor 2, which i think are the latest one.

Also this thread might be interesting if your considering buying it adam: http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=293896

10 February 2011

Campaign mission ideas!!

Section for Mission ideas!

Mission idea 1! - Destroy the Missile Silo!

Your spies have uncovered evidence that your sworn enemy is planning to launch its missile batteries at you space fleet!

With a small strike force you must

7 February 2011


Since the Kill-team mission from the Battle Missions book sucks boulders I vote on using the rules from the 4th ed. rulebook. Though after reading over them I'll probably make a few tweaks to fit with the campaign map.

The two missions of value I think are Sabotage, for temporarily disabling map markers like Shield Generators or Bastions, and Assassinate for offing each other's HQ characters, though not Special Characters.

I should probably mention at this point that I was currently considering a penalty for an army that loses its HQ, not something game-breaking, but something to make you protect your Command'n'Control. Maybe -2 leadership for the army? (Though not for 'Nids because the loss of Synapse will probably have the same effect).

There will be custom missions too (I'm writing an Ork looting mission at the moment "Who stole my Basilisk?!") but any extra ideas are welcome!!

6 February 2011

Scouts and other sneaky types

I've finalised the rules for scout units if we use armies on map. A scout unit consists of one unit (has all of it's usual wargear options, squad size) for your race that has the scouts or infiltrate rule. It can be chosen from in your codex, apoc book or imperial armour.
When they enter same hex as opponents army roll a dice:
  • On a 1-3 they only learn the army list points value (500 - 2000 pts)
  • On a 4-5 they learn the points value and the opponent has to reveal half his units rounding up (his choice of units)
  • On a 6 they have to fight a Escape mission but if they are successful they reveal the entire enemy army list

The escape mission has the unit in the centre of the board (4' by 4') which then have to escape off one of the table edges. The opponent will get to use three times the amount of points that the scout unit costs, selecting units from the army list that was spied upon. If any of the scouts get off the board then they win.

This all means you could recon someone's army in the first round then attack them in the next round (or retreat if you're screwed).

This is Tristain's idea that I stole and adapted slightly. Cool stuff, eh?

4 February 2011

Ever seen the inside of a turkish prison?

Lets get the ball rolling.

1st Draft Campaign Rules

Heya Peeps.
I've got a fairly good grasp on the set-up for the campaign but there's still some bits I don't know quite what to do with yet. I'll throw them out here so you can all chew on them then spit them back at me. First up.