2 March 2011

Sabotage Mission

Here's the Sabotage Mission for Kill-Teams to use on map-buildings.


The Kill-Team must infiltrate the enemy position and destroy an object of strategic value.
The Brute player sets-up all the terrain, making it suitably dramatic; to represent his hidden manufactorum/shield generator/spaceport complex.
The objective is placed in the centre of the board. It counts as an immobile AV 14 vehicle that ignores all glancing hits but is destroyed on any penetrating hits.
The Brute player deploys his Brute Squads within 12" of the objective, with 4" between squads. The Kill-Team player chooses which table edge his Kill-Team arrives on.
The Kill-Team arrives from reserve on the first turn.
First Turn
The Kill-Team player has the first turn. His Kill-Team will move on from his chosen table edge.
Game Length
There is no turn limit, play until one of the players has won.
Victory Conditions
The Kill-Team player must destroy the central objective to win. The Brute player must destroy the Kill-Team to win.
Special Rules
EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF: The Kill-Team isn't one coherent squad but rather several small units. The members of the Kill-Team may be deployed in as many units as the Kill-Team player wishes but none smaller than three models. These will all then act as different coherent squads for the entirety of the mission.
SABOTEURS: All models in the Kill-Team are equipped with meltabomb equivalents regardless of race or unit entry.

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