A Kill-Team is a specialised unit costing 160 points, chosen from the units in your Codex, using the following guidelines:
You may not usually break any Immutable Laws because doing so risks making the game unbalanced. If you do break an Immutable Law then the Brute player receives two extra Brute Squads per rule broken and an additional 25 points for his Boss Brute.
You may break as many Mutable Laws as you wish however the Brute player will receive an extra Brute Squad per rule broken and an additional 10 points for his Boss Brute.
Immutable Laws:
- All choices have to be from the same Codex
- Kill-Teams must consist of one wound, non-vehicle models
- No 2+ saves of any kind
- There may only be 0-1 weapon that is either Heavy or a Template
- No psychic powers
- Each model has a maximum limit of 40 points for upgrades
- No bikes/jetbikes or anti-grav weapon platforms
Mutable Laws:
- All members must be from the same unit entry
- Kill-Teams must obey all usual unit restrictions except minimum unit size
- The Kill-Team must number between 5 and 12 models
- Only one model may have the option of selecting wargear (a Sergeant equivalent)
- No weapon may be greater than Strength 7 or shoot more than 2 shots a turn
As a final note all Kill-Teams get frag grenades for free and become Fearless but may not Sweeping Advance.
Also they always get the EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF special rule. This essentially means that you can split up the Kill-Team into as many smaller squads as you like but with a minimum unit size of 3 models.
Now go make some awesome commando teams!!
Do we have to make kill teams as a separate army list or do you take them from your exsting squads from your master rooster
ReplyDeleteThey would be a seperate army list costing 160 points. I'm probably gonna have five so 800 points total.