7 March 2011

Objective Markers

It's probably about time we got some decent objective markers together so I reckon if everyone could get two or three done up there'll be plenty for our games.
Stuff that's themed to your army would be cool too. Although I'm playing Tau now I built a couple of Guard ones last year:
  • A wounded Officer with a Medic tending to him
  • A Scout who was sneaking behind enemy lines
  • A couple of pilots from a downed Valkyrie

Make 'em complex or simple, as long as they look good, and aren't too large.

I'll post pics of mine in the Painting Section (even though they're Andy-style (unpainted)!)


  1. ive got three sorted at the moment:
    - a gauss flux ark generator
    - a gauss flux ark generator being built by some scarabs
    - and a trapped old one

  2. A trapped Old One? Awesome man, I can't wait to see that. Thanks to Francis playing Lizardmen all I can imagine is a toad stuck in bottle though.

  3. its a saurus warrior converted to have power weapons (green stuff energy packs), but i think its gonna look cool when its done being painted, ill post a pic up when im done with it
