30 March 2011
Mainly for Jo's benefit!
12 March 2011
mad dok hairys convershun klinik
my necron, and assorted guests
let the dread harvest begin
10 March 2011
Introducing Armies - Background
To help get some kind of a story together, i was hoping people would take some time out of their busy schedules and write a paragraph or so, introducing their army to the rest of the group. It can take form anyway you like: a short conversation between generals/troops, a imperial inquisitorial dispatch, a scout report, a first person onlooker, or just a third person narration, etc, what we want to know is:
- What kind of themes are you trying to represent in your army
- how do you want to progess the storyline of your force
- Perhaps how your force is going to work against others/how its going to relate to the other races / its general outlook on the situation
Granted, nothing is set in stone so far, so any input or idea's about the planet itself would be great
- Why is the planet so important to the involved parties
- how can we mesh together the different races into a believable setting
7 March 2011
Objective Markers
Stuff that's themed to your army would be cool too. Although I'm playing Tau now I built a couple of Guard ones last year:
- A wounded Officer with a Medic tending to him
- A Scout who was sneaking behind enemy lines
- A couple of pilots from a downed Valkyrie
Make 'em complex or simple, as long as they look good, and aren't too large.
I'll post pics of mine in the Painting Section (even though they're Andy-style (unpainted)!)
big sword
3 March 2011
Building a Kill-Team
A Kill-Team is a specialised unit costing 160 points, chosen from the units in your Codex, using the following guidelines:
You may not usually break any Immutable Laws because doing so risks making the game unbalanced. If you do break an Immutable Law then the Brute player receives two extra Brute Squads per rule broken and an additional 25 points for his Boss Brute.
You may break as many Mutable Laws as you wish however the Brute player will receive an extra Brute Squad per rule broken and an additional 10 points for his Boss Brute.
Immutable Laws:
- All choices have to be from the same Codex
- Kill-Teams must consist of one wound, non-vehicle models
- No 2+ saves of any kind
- There may only be 0-1 weapon that is either Heavy or a Template
- No psychic powers
- Each model has a maximum limit of 40 points for upgrades
- No bikes/jetbikes or anti-grav weapon platforms
Mutable Laws:
- All members must be from the same unit entry
- Kill-Teams must obey all usual unit restrictions except minimum unit size
- The Kill-Team must number between 5 and 12 models
- Only one model may have the option of selecting wargear (a Sergeant equivalent)
- No weapon may be greater than Strength 7 or shoot more than 2 shots a turn
As a final note all Kill-Teams get frag grenades for free and become Fearless but may not Sweeping Advance.
Also they always get the EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF special rule. This essentially means that you can split up the Kill-Team into as many smaller squads as you like but with a minimum unit size of 3 models.
Now go make some awesome commando teams!!
2 March 2011
Sabotage Mission
The Kill-Team must infiltrate the enemy position and destroy an object of strategic value.
The Brute player sets-up all the terrain, making it suitably dramatic; to represent his hidden manufactorum/shield generator/spaceport complex.
The objective is placed in the centre of the board. It counts as an immobile AV 14 vehicle that ignores all glancing hits but is destroyed on any penetrating hits.
The Brute player deploys his Brute Squads within 12" of the objective, with 4" between squads. The Kill-Team player chooses which table edge his Kill-Team arrives on.
The Kill-Team arrives from reserve on the first turn.
First Turn
The Kill-Team player has the first turn. His Kill-Team will move on from his chosen table edge.
Game Length
There is no turn limit, play until one of the players has won.
Victory Conditions
The Kill-Team player must destroy the central objective to win. The Brute player must destroy the Kill-Team to win.
Special Rules
EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF: The Kill-Team isn't one coherent squad but rather several small units. The members of the Kill-Team may be deployed in as many units as the Kill-Team player wishes but none smaller than three models. These will all then act as different coherent squads for the entirety of the mission.
SABOTEURS: All models in the Kill-Team are equipped with meltabomb equivalents regardless of race or unit entry.
1 March 2011
Master Roster
The Master Roster is just one giant army list with all the units you have at your disposal for the campaign. Everything on your list will be deployed gradually in your territory on the map, representing multiple armies (fully explained in the Forces Set-up section). A maximum of 25,000 points is available and all the following rules apply:
- You may take any units from your race's Codex, ignoring maximum restrictions like 0-1
- You may take any units available to your race from Imperial Armour, Apocalypse or other GW sources
- You must take at least one Special Character (can have more)
During the campaign units that you have used in battle will get wiped out or destroyed and this will mean that they are struck off your Master Roster. Combined with the fact that some of your units will gain Veteran upgrades and reinforcements will get added means you should keep a copy of your roster on you at all times during gaming sessions. Updates happen at the end of each turn (check The Turn section for details).