8 July 2011

Necromunda spares

Greetings fellow gangers!

It occurs to me that as we get our own models and try and keep them WYSIWYG we might need various weapons etc.

Specifically im after a plasma gun.

I have loads of heavy bolters and orky bolters which might fit in better with the scrap weapon idea of the hive city.

Also, i have a blister of bikers for Andys gang.

So any requests or anything you have which might be useful lets organise swapsies here!



  1. Also, I have a hand flamer that looks like an orky mek blowtorch, id love a chance to use it but if anyone desperate id part with it!

  2. I've got a spare plasma gun or two that you can have if you like, i'm still waiting for my models to come through in the post.

  3. Good man. Im currently sat at work waiting to join you guys at Big T's palace of delights.

    Ordered the gw delaque gang plus a load of cool heresy additions. Ill post comparisons when they arrive.

    In other news, i got my hair cut.
