16 April 2011

Something that may interest you 40k gamers

Basically if you haven't read about Adepticon - its a big tournament in America which is played for cash, this years one has just been played . It interested me to see what are the most popular armies, so i thought i would share.

- Overall there were 255 players entered in the tournament and they played the following:
Blood Angels: 38
Black Templars: 3
Chaos Daemons: 14
Chaos Space Marines: 21
Deamonhunters: 1
Dark Angels: 5
Dark Eldar: 10
Eldar: 7
Imperial Guard: 32
Necrons: 3
Orks: 32
Space Marines: 28
Space Wolves: 43
Tau: 5
Tyranids: 13

- 43% brought Space Wolves, Blood Angels or Space Marines, But only 3% brought Black Templar or Dark Angels.

- 13% brought Orks, only 15% brought the 5 other zenos races combined.

- Of the 16 legal codexs, 8 of them have been released since Jan 2008. These 8 newest codexs made up 82% of the field.

- Suprisingly low numbers of Dark Eldar, even though the codex has only been out for 6 months.

- Imperial guard has dropped from 66 entries last year, to 32 this year,

- Event organizers recieved 40 counts-as army requests, which are defined as a player requesting models from a particular codex range, to be allowed to be used to represent another codex.  38 of the 40 were for the Space Wolves codex to be used.

- Orks won the 2250 point tournament, Space wolves second, Dark angels third.

- Space wolves won the 1750 point tourny, Orks second, Space marines third.

- Tau were utterly shite in all events, Necrons pretty awfull too.  Dark eldar punched above their weight, so did Eldar although there weren't alot of them. Tyranids held their own but failed to get really high rankings, Chaos Demons did quite well, with some high rankers, Chaos Space marines did pretty well with some high rankers but not consistently great. Imperial guard were generally mid/high rankings, Orks were the same but generally higher.

5 April 2011

Mainly for Tristan's benefit

New Slayers from Avatar of War, plastic, 20 quid for 20 man regiment from Wayland games. Just put my Pre-order in. Look at the bloke on the Far right with his middle finger up, epic.